Displacement Cards
The EBUA have produced a series of flow chart cards for the Displacement Laws. These can be downloaded and reprinted at the links below
Measuring Equipment
The EBUA have prescribed to principle of using “first choice” equipment as defined by World Bowls. These are the basic items that should be present in every Umpires kit. The following document also provides guidance on the use of Laser Measures and Box String measures that are not of standard design.
Disability Bowls Guidance
The document below provide guidance to officials working with players with visual impairment and disabilities.
EBUA Training Videos
The basis of training and assessment of EBUA Officials is based upon the principles outlined in our Officiating Manual and Training Videos.
The videos below will aid your progress through the training programme but also provide a valuable development resource. There are 5 chapters to watch and each can be selected from the links below.
Please note that, whilst the videos were produced in 2011, the content is still relevant to this date. There are two references to Laws of the Sport in the Umpiring and Marking videos. The current Laws of the Sport should be consulted for the most up to date information as it may differ from that shown in the video.​​​​​​​​
EBUA Training Videos
EBUA Training Videos

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Umpiring

Chapter 3 - Marking